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  • Spinning Mambo into Salsa
  • Tandy Beal: Heisenberg's Principle
  • Dancing Latin/Latin Dancing: Salsa and DanceSport, by Juliet McMains
  • Swingin' Out: Southern California's Lindy Revival, 2000, by Juliet McMains
  • Joseph Gifford:  The Pursued
  • Jean Erdman: Creature on a Journey
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Cooper, Elizabeth. Dancing in the Millennium Conference Proceedings 2000. Paper: “The Capitalist Contagion And The Dancing Vector: Watch Your Step You Might Catch The Bourgeois Bug.” Publications Dance
McMains, Juliet. “Brownface: A New Performance of Minstrelsy in Competitive Latin American Dancing?” Conference Proceedings: Dancing in the Millennium An International Conference, compiled by Juliette Crone-Willis, 12–316. Washington DC, 19–23 July 2000 Publications, Presentations Dance Sport, Latino/a Studies, Social Dance
Cooper, Elizabeth. International Dictionary of Modern Dance, St. James Press. Entries on “Nona Schurman” Publications, Essays Dance History
Cooper, Elizabeth. International Dictionary of Modern Dance, St. James Press. “Federal Dance Theatre of the W.P.A.” Publications, Essays Dance History
Cooper, Elizabeth. Dance Research Journal 29(2):23-48, 1997. “Tamiris and the Federal Dance Theatre 1936-1939: Socially Relevant Dance Amidst the Policies and Politics of the New Deal Era.” Publications, Essays Dance History

Wiley, Hannah. “Dancers in Transition,” Impulse: The International Journal of Dance Science, Medicine and Education, Vol.3, No.2, April.

Publications, Essays Career Preparation

Wiley, Hannah. “Changing the Fate of the Retiring Dancer,” Dance Teacher Now, June.

Publications, Essays Career Preparation

Wiley, Hannah. “College Dance Programs Must Become More Fully Integrated With the Professional World,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, Vol. XXXV, No. 49. August.

Publications, Essays Career Preparation

Wiley, Hannah. “A New Model for Teaching Saut de Basque,” Dance Research Journal, 19/2: 9-13, Winter 1987- 88. Sally Banes, Ed.

Publications, Essays Dance Pedagogy

Wiley, Hannah. “Pressures on the Foot in Pointe Shoes,” co-authored with Carol C. Teitz, M.D., and Richard M. Harrington, M.S.A.A., Foot and Ankle, 5(5): 216-21, March/April 85.

Publications, Essays Anatomy and Biomechanics, Ballet

Wiley, Hannah. “An Analysis of Two Images Related to Foot Positioning Used in Dance Training,” The Graduate Dance Review, Vol.1, No.2, 1983. M. Sheets-Johnstone, Ed.

Publications, Essays Anatomy and Biomechanics, Dance Pedagogy
Shawn, Ted. Gnossiene (original footage). Performance.  Publications Modern Dance
McMains, Juliet. “Three Hip Bumps and Two Head Whips: Shakira, J. Lo, Intersectionality, and Female Empowerment at Super Bowl LIV.” In Dance in US Pop Culture, edited by Jennifer Atkins. London and New York: Routledge, forthcoming. Publications, Articles Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Latino/a Studies, Media Studies, Popular Culture

