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These documentaries preserve and contextualize modern dance choreography performed by the Chamber Dance Company. They include interviews with dancers and stagers as well as historic photographs and film footage. Enjoy!

The Dances of Mary Wigman

This documentary includes interviews with dancers and the reconstructor, as well as photographs and original footage of Wigman dancing.

The Dances of Dore Hoyer

This documentary includes interviews with dancers and the reconstructor as well as photographs and a clip of Hoyer performing.

The Dances of Michio Ito

This documentary includes interviews with dancers and the reconstructor as well as photographs and a clip of Ito performing.

Joseph Gifford: The Pursued

This documentary not only includes the performance, but also includes interviews with Joseph Gifford and dancers Catherine Cabeen and Matthew Henley, as well as photographs and television footage of Gifford performing in his early career.

The Dances of Eve Gentry

This documentary includes interviews with reconstructor Mary Anne Santos Newhall and dancer Tonya Lockyer, as well as photographs of Eve Gentry.

Tandy Beal: Heisenberg's Principle

This documentary includes not only the performance, but also interviews with Tandy Beal and dancers General McArthur Hambrick and Brenna Monroe-Cook, as well as photographs of other work by Ms. Beal.

Bebe Miller: Cantos Gordos 

This documentary includes interviews with choreographer Bebe Miller, dancers Ilana Goldman and Ryan Corriston, and musicians Steve Korn and Eric Likkel, as well as rehearsal footage.

Jean Erdman: Creature on a Journey: A fantasy of preparations, voyages and arrivals

This documentary includes interviews with reconstructor Nancy Allison, dancers Stephanie Liapis and Megan Brunsvold, and musician Paul Moore. Rehearsal footage and photographs of Jean Erdman are included.

Doris Humphrey: The Shakers

This documentary includes interviews with stager Karena Birk, costume designer Val Mayse, and dancers Megan Brunsvold and Bruce McCormick.

Shapiro & Smith: To Have and to Hold

This documentary includes interviews with choreographer Joanie Smith, stager Wilson Mendieta, and dancers Brenna Monroe-Cook and Jason Ohlberg, as well as rehearsal footage and photographs.

Joe Goode: Grace (Excerpt) 

This documentary includes interviews with stager Melecio Estrella and dancers Joseph Blake, Leslie Kraus and Rachael Lincoln, as well as footage from Bandaloop and photographs.

Dances of Lucinda Childs

This documentary includes performances of Carnation, Pastime, and Katema with interviews with stagers Ruth Childs, Ty Boomershine, Hope Mohr and more.

Consider giving to the CDC Repertory Archive

The creation of these documentaries was made possible solely by grants and donations. Please consider supporting future projects by donating to the CDC Repertory Archive Fund. To purchase a DVD of these documentaries contact Hannah Wiley at
