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Honors Program

The Department of Dance offers students the opportunity to graduate with Honors.

>> For more information on how to apply to the Dance Honors program, see here.

Graduating "With Honors" From The Dance Honors Program

Requirements for graduating "with honors" from the Honors Program in dance include the completion of an honors research project. The honors research project should not exceed six quarters of study and includes the following requirements.

Requirements for graduation from the Honors Program in dance

  • Minimum cumulative UW GPA of 3.3 or above
  • Minimum cumulative GPA in dance of 3.5 or above
  • Fulfillment of dance major requirements
  • An Honors Research Project, not to exceed six quarters of study, including the following:

12-16 credits beyond the requirements of the dance major, including:

  • Dance 417 Honors Thesis: totaling 6-8 credits, as proposed in the Honors application
  • Two courses relating to the field of research within or outside of the Dance Department, totaling 6- 8 credits, as proposed in the Honors application

Documentation of research in one of the following format

A Significant Performance Project

(choreography, reconstruction, performance, site-specific work, film/video project)

  • Preliminary project proposal and timeline submitted to faculty advisor during the first week of the first quarter of the Honors Program study
  • Final project proposal and timeline submitted to faculty advisor no later than the last day of the first quarter of the Honors Program study 
  • Final documentation of the performance project no later than six quarters from commencement of Honors Program study in a format such as: 
    • an oral presentation
    • a 15- page reflective paper
    • a public lecture demonstration
    • a blog and video archive of performance activities
    • or an alternative format as approved by the faculty advisor 
A 15-25 Page Paper
  • Preliminary research proposal and timeline submitted to faculty advisor during the first week of the first quarter of the Honors Program study
  • Final research proposal and timeline submitted to faculty advisor no later than the last day of the first quarter of the Honors Program study
  • Oral presentation of research no later than six quarters from commencement of Honors Program study

Examples of Honors Projects

Example 1: Focus – Performance

Topic: A performance of solo works by three choreographers
Honors electives could include: 
  • Dance 371: Choreographic Workshop
  • Drama 222: Tools of Composition and Design for Performance and Events
Honors Thesis Research could include:
  •  Attending a minimum of one performance weekly
  • identifying solos to perform
  • learning and rehearsing solos
Thesis and documentation could include:

Performance of a suite of solos by various choreographers with an oral reflection on the differences in choreographic process and performance technique

Example 2: Focus – Choreography

Topic: Exploring Dance for the Camera- the development of a dance film
Honors electives could include: 
  • Dance 365: Screendance Making 
  • DXARTS 450: Digital Video Foundations 
Honors Thesis Research could include:
  • Attending one Dance for the Camera Festival
  • Accessing dance for the camera films online
  • Aanalyzing, comparing and contrasting four dance films.
Thesis and documentation could include:
  • Full production of dance for the camera involving storyboarding
  • Filming, editing, and premiering film in the Undergraduate Research Symposium

Example 3: Focus – Dance Science

Topic: Examining correlations between angle of anteversion and tibial torsion
Honors electives could include:
  • Biomechanics (BIOL 423)
  • Basic Statistics (STAT 220)
Honors Thesis Research could include: 
  • Survey of literature about the angle of anteversion and tibial torsion
  • gathering of data from dancers and non-dancers to determine if there is a correlation between extreme anteversion and extreme tibial torsion.
Thesis and documentation could include: 

Write a scientific paper evaluating the results of the data and present it in the Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Example 4: Focus – Dance Production

Topic: Exploration of production components required for fully producing a dance concert
Honors electives could include:
  • Dance 450: Dance Internship with Peter Bracilano
  • Dance 450 to stage manage a concert in the Department of Dance 
  • Drama 212 Theatre Technical Practice
Honors Thesis Research could include:
  • Documentation of learning experience via internship
  • shadowing production manager at a Seattle theater.
Thesis and documentation could include: 

Written 20-page paper and presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium

Example 5: Focus Cultural Dance Studies

Topic: Transformation of Malaysian Cultural Heritage through the integration of Classical Malaysian Dance and Popular Culture
Honors electives could include: 
  • Dance 415: Research Methods
  • Music 270: World Popular Music
Honors Thesis Research could include: 
  • A literature review
  • interviews with Malaysian artists
  • analysis of specific artworks and their reception on social media
Thesis and documentation could include:

Written 20-page paper and presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium

Dance Honors Application (PDF)
