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  • The Dances of Dore Hoyer
  • Tandy Beal: Heisenberg's Principle
  • Joseph Gifford:  The Pursued
  • Rumba Encounters: Transculturation of Cuban Rumba in American and European Ballrooms, by Juliet McMains
  • Experiential Anatomy Dance
  • Salsa or Tango
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Cooper, Elizabeth. “A Conversation with Todd Bolender,” Ballet Review. Fall/2011 Publications, Essays Dance
Cooper, Elizabeth. “Embodied Writing: A Tool for Teaching and Learning in Dance,” Journal of Dance Education, 11(2): 53-59, 2011 Publications, Essays Dance Pedagogy
McMains, Juliet, Clare Parfitt-Brown and Danielle Robinson. “Current Problems and Methods in Dance Reconstruction: Focus on Cross-Cultural and Social Dance Reconstruction.” SDHS 2011 Conference Proceedings, edited by Ken Peirce, 123–140. Toronto, CA, June 23–26, 2011 Publications, Presentations Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. Tandy Beal: Heisenberg’s Principle, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2010. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Choreography, Dance History, Modern Dance
Experiential Anatomy in Dance Technique: 8 skeletal explorations Publications, Film/Video Anatomy and Biomechanics, Body, Career Preparation, Dance, Dance Pedagogy, Education, Integrated Dance, Modern Dance, Somatics
McMains, Juliet. “Rumba Encounters: Transculturation of Cuban Rumba in American and European Ballrooms.” In Making Caribbean Dance:  Continuity and Creativity in Island Cultures, edited by Susanna Sloat, 37–48.  Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 2010. Publications, Articles Latino/a Studies, Social Dance
Cooper, Elizabeth. “Statements of Personal Goals” Writing About Dance, ed. Wendy R. Oliver, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2010. Publications, Essays Dance
Cooper, Elizabeth. “Dance in a Ritual Context,” Writing About Dance, ed. Wendy R. Oliver, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2010. Publications, Essays Culture, Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Eve Gentry: Tenant of the Street, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photographic images Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Michio Ito, documentary DVD included in On Becoming an Artist: Noguchi and His Contemporaries: 1922-1960, The Noguchi Museum, New York NY Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction, Southeast Asian

Salk, Jennifer. “Experiential Anatomy in Technique Class: Eight Skeletal Explorations”, (DVD, Human Kinetics Publishers, 2010 & 2013)

Publications, Film/Video Dance Pedagogy, Anatomy and Biomechanics
McMains, Juliet. “Reality Check: Dancing with the Stars and the American Dream.” The Routledge Dance Studies Reader, 2nd ed., edited by Alexandra Carter and Janet O’Shea, 261–272. London: Routledge, 2010 Publications, Articles American, Media Studies, Popular Culture
Wiley, Hannah. Joseph Gifford: The Pursued, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews, photographic images and original film footage Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Koch, Jürg. "Workshop: Ready, Set, Unset." In Global Perspectives on Dance Pedagogy: Research and Practice, edited by Tresa M. Randall, 254-265. Birmingham: Birmingham, AL: Congress on Research in Dance, 2009. Publications Dance Pedagogy, Disability, Integrated Dance
McMains, Juliet. “Dancing Latin/Latin Dancing: Salsa and DanceSport” Ballroom, Boogie, Shimmy Sham, Shake: A Social and Popular Dance Reader, edited by Julie Malnig, 302–322. Indianapolis: University of Illinois Press, 2008. Publications, Articles Dance Sport, Salsa, Social Dance
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Dore Hoyer, documentary DVD including CDC performances contextualized with interviews, photographic images and original film footage. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Mary Wigman, documentary DVD including CDC performances contextualized with interviews, photographic images and original film footage. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
McMains, Juliet. Glamour Addiction: Inside the American Ballroom Dance Industry. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2006. Publications, Books Ballroom, Dance Sport, Ethnography, Social Dance

Salk, Jennifer. “Teaching Modern Technique Through Experiential Anatomy” (Journal of Dance Education, 5/3: 97 - 102, 2005)

Publications Dance Pedagogy, Anatomy and Biomechanics
Cooper, Elizabeth. “Dances About Spain: Censorship at the Federal Theatre Project.” Theatre Research International, 29(3): 232-246, 2004. Publications, Essays Dance History
Koch, Jürg. "Two to tango: An experiential, practitioner account of the struggle to partner theory and praxis in dance". Presented and published in the proceedings as part of the conference at Liverpool John Moores University (21-23 June, 2002), Liverpool, UK. Publications Dance

Salk, Jennifer. “Leonard Bernstein Meets Jerome Robbins: Broadway is Never the Same”. (American Music Festival, Bernstein Broadway The Bomb – the age of anxiety, Study Guide. Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center, Tampa, FL)

Publications, Essays Public Scholarship
McMains, Juliet and Danielle Robinson. “Swingin’ Out: Southern California's Lindy Revival, 2000.” I See America Dancing: Selected Readings, 1685–2000, edited by Maureen Needham, 84–91. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2002. Publications, Articles Culture, Ethnography, Social Dance
Cooper, Elizabeth. Proceedings Society of Dance History Scholars 2001. Paper: “Dances About Spain:Guns & Castanets and Adelante.” Publications, Essays Dance History
McMains, Juliet. “Brownface: Representations of Latin-ness in Dancesport.” Dance Research Journal, 33, no. 2 (2001): 54–71 Publications, Articles Dance Sport, Latino/a Studies, Social Dance

