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  • The Dances of Dore Hoyer
  • four images of "anfractuous" app
  • BeBe Miller, Cantos Gordos
  • Jean Erdman: Creature on a Journey
  • Tandy Beal: Heisenberg's Principle
  • Experiential Anatomy Dance
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Salk, Jennifer, Martin Jarmick and Paul Matthew Moore. Self published. Refer to this vlog page for how to upload the App for android or IOS: The page will describe the project and how to play it on your own device. Tweaks and small changes and updates to the Apps will occur occasionally.    Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Body, Choreography, Contemporary, Dance, Film/Cinema, Media Studies, Music, Performance Studies, Science and Technology
Wiley, Hannah. Dances of Lucinda Childs, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2019. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Joe Goode: grace (excerpts), documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2017. Publications, Film/Video Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Shapiro & Smith: To Have and To Hold, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2015. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Doris Humphrey: The Shakers––Dance of the Chosen, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2014. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Michio Ito, documentary DVD including CDC performances contextualized with interviews (Japanese and English), photographic images and original film footage. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. Bebe Miller: Cantos Gordos, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and choreographic images Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. Jean Erdman: Creature on a Journey, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and choreographic images. 2013.  Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction, Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Tandy Beal: Heisenberg’s Principle, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and choreographic images. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction

Rachael Lincoln and Leslie Seiters, May And June, 2012

Creative Work, Film/Video Choreography, Modern Dance, Film/Cinema
Wiley, Hannah. Bebe Miller: Cantos Gordos, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2011. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Choreography, Dance, Dance History, Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Tandy Beal: Heisenberg’s Principle, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2010. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Choreography, Dance History, Modern Dance
Experiential Anatomy in Dance Technique: 8 skeletal explorations Publications, Film/Video Anatomy and Biomechanics, Body, Career Preparation, Dance, Dance Pedagogy, Education, Integrated Dance, Modern Dance, Somatics
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Michio Ito, documentary DVD included in On Becoming an Artist: Noguchi and His Contemporaries: 1922-1960, The Noguchi Museum, New York NY Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction, Southeast Asian
Wiley, Hannah. Eve Gentry: Tenant of the Street, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photographic images Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction

Salk, Jennifer. “Experiential Anatomy in Technique Class: Eight Skeletal Explorations”, (DVD, Human Kinetics Publishers, 2010 & 2013)

Publications, Film/Video Dance Pedagogy, Anatomy and Biomechanics
Rachael Lincoln, Cari Ann Shim Sham and RJ Muna, January, (Building Bridges Film Festival Iran, Fowler Museum, Los Angeles, 2009; Sans Souci, Barcelona, 2010) Creative Work, Film/Video Choreography, Film/Cinema, Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Joseph Gifford: The Pursued, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews, photographic images and original film footage Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Rachael Lincoln and Carrie Noel, This Bird Has Flown, (Jackson Hole Film Festival, 2008; Sans Souci, Boulder, CO 2008) Creative Work, Film/Video Choreography, Film/Cinema, Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Mary Wigman, documentary DVD including CDC performances contextualized with interviews, photographic images and original film footage. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Dore Hoyer, documentary DVD including CDC performances contextualized with interviews, photographic images and original film footage. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction

McMains, Juliet. Squint, (Short Film Directed by Tony Griffin, won Malibu Film Festival)

Creative Work, Film/Video Choreography, Film/Cinema