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Salk, Jennifer. “Leonard Bernstein Meets Jerome Robbins: Broadway is Never the Same”. (American Music Festival, Bernstein Broadway The Bomb – the age of anxiety, Study Guide. Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center, Tampa, FL)
Wiley, Hannah. “A New Model for Teaching Saut de Basque,” Dance Research Journal, 19/2: 9-13, Winter 1987- 88. Sally Banes, Ed.
Wiley, Hannah. “An Analysis of Two Images Related to Foot Positioning Used in Dance Training,” The Graduate Dance Review, Vol.1, No.2, 1983. M. Sheets-Johnstone, Ed.
Wiley, Hannah. “Changing the Fate of the Retiring Dancer,” Dance Teacher Now, June.
Wiley, Hannah. “College Dance Programs Must Become More Fully Integrated With the Professional World,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, Vol. XXXV, No. 49. August.
Wiley, Hannah. “Dancers in Transition,” Impulse: The International Journal of Dance Science, Medicine and Education, Vol.3, No.2, April.
Wiley, Hannah. “Pressures on the Foot in Pointe Shoes,” co-authored with Carol C. Teitz, M.D., and Richard M. Harrington, M.S.A.A., Foot and Ankle, 5(5): 216-21, March/April 85.