Koch, Jürg. Untelling Stories (Faculty Dance Concert, Meany Studio Theatre2005)
Salk, Jennifer. Finding Home (Ohio University, Athens, OH; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Kenyon College, Gambier, OH 2005)
Salk, Jennifer. Loop Too (Enertia, Broadway Performance Hall, Seattle, WA, 2005)
Koch, Jürg. Five 4 now (Faculty Dance Concert, Meany Studio Theatre, Seattle, WA 2004 & 2010)
Koch, Jürg. Suggest Reading: Untitled (Jack Straw New Media Gallery, Seattle, WA 2004)
Salk, Jennifer. Loop (Faculty Dance Concert, University of Washington, Meany Studio Theater, Seattle, WA, 2004)
Salk, Jennifer. What was, is (Commissioned trio for Moving Current Dance Collective, premiered in 2004 and reconstructed for recent showcase at Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center, Tampa, FL 2009)