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Julia stands face on in colorful pants. Her right arm is extended straight forward while her left arm is bent at the elbow near her hip. Her left knee is slightly bent and she looks to her right.
"Accumulation," by Trisha Brown. Photo by Steve Korn. Dancer: Julia Burrer.
Brown, Trisha. Accumulation. Dir. Hannah C. Wiley. Chamber Dance Company. Katharyn Alvord Gerlich Theater, Seattle. 2016. Performance. 



Choreography                         Trisha Brown

Music                                       Grateful Dead, Uncle John's Band

Staging                                    Jamie Scott

Original costume design         Trisha Brown

Costume design                      Val Mayse

Lighting design                        Peter Bracilano

Rehearsal direction                 Hannah C. Wiley

Dancers                                   Joseph Blake (F, Su), Julia Burrer (Th, Sa)

Performance date: 2016

Meany Theater

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