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  • Rumba Encounters: Transculturation of Cuban Rumba in American and European Ballrooms, by Juliet McMains
  • The Dances of Michio Ito
  • Eve Gentry: Tenant of the Street
  • Tandy Beal: Heisenberg's Principle
  • Glamour Addition, by Juliet McMains
  • Experiential Anatomy Dance
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Cinotto, Rhonda, Matthew Henley, Jennifer Salk. Corbett, Steven J.,  Jennifer Lin LeMesurier, Teagan E. Decker, and Betsy Cooper, Eds. Writing in the Performing and Visual Arts: Creating, Performing, and Teaching. "The Use of an Analytic Framework to Scaffold Student Writing in an Online Dance Course" WAC Clearinghouse/University Press of Colorado, Fort Collins, CO. 2019. Publications, Books Body, Dance Pedagogy, Education, Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Dances of Lucinda Childs, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2019. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Joe Goode: grace (excerpts), documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2017. Publications, Film/Video Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Shapiro & Smith: To Have and To Hold, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2015. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Doris Humphrey: The Shakers––Dance of the Chosen, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2014. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Jean Erdman: Creature on a Journey, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and choreographic images. 2013.  Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction, Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Bebe Miller: Cantos Gordos, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2011. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Choreography, Dance, Dance History, Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Tandy Beal: Heisenberg’s Principle, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2010. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Choreography, Dance History, Modern Dance
Experiential Anatomy in Dance Technique: 8 skeletal explorations Publications, Film/Video Anatomy and Biomechanics, Body, Career Preparation, Dance, Dance Pedagogy, Education, Integrated Dance, Modern Dance, Somatics
Shawn, Ted. Gnossiene (original footage). Performance.  Publications Modern Dance