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Author/Titlesort ascending Research Type Related Fields

Wiley, Hannah. “An Analysis of Two Images Related to Foot Positioning Used in Dance Training,” The Graduate Dance Review, Vol.1, No.2, 1983. M. Sheets-Johnstone, Ed.

Publications, Essays Anatomy and Biomechanics, Dance Pedagogy

Wiley, Hannah. “A New Model for Teaching Saut de Basque,” Dance Research Journal, 19/2: 9-13, Winter 1987- 88. Sally Banes, Ed.

Publications, Essays Dance Pedagogy

Salk, Jennifer. “Teaching Modern Technique Through Experiential Anatomy” (Journal of Dance Education, 5/3: 97 - 102, 2005)

Publications Dance Pedagogy, Anatomy and Biomechanics

Salk, Jennifer. “Experiential Anatomy in Technique Class: Eight Skeletal Explorations”, (DVD, Human Kinetics Publishers, 2010 & 2013)

Publications, Film/Video Dance Pedagogy, Anatomy and Biomechanics
McMains, Juliet. “Fostering a Community of Consent in Social Dance Communities.” Journal of Dance Education, January 2021. DOI: 10.1080/15290824.2020.1851693. Publications, Articles Dance, Dance Pedagogy, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Radical Pedagogy, Salsa, Social Dance
McMains, Juliet. “Fostering a Community of Consent in Social Dance Communities.” Journal of Dance Education, forthcoming. Publications, Articles Dance Pedagogy, Education, Salsa, Social Dance
Koch, Jürg. "Workshop: Ready, Set, Unset." In Global Perspectives on Dance Pedagogy: Research and Practice, edited by Tresa M. Randall, 254-265. Birmingham: Birmingham, AL: Congress on Research in Dance, 2009. Publications Dance Pedagogy, Disability, Integrated Dance
Experiential Anatomy in Dance Technique: 8 skeletal explorations Publications, Film/Video Anatomy and Biomechanics, Body, Career Preparation, Dance, Dance Pedagogy, Education, Integrated Dance, Modern Dance, Somatics
Cooper, Elizabeth. “Reflective Writing/Reflective Practice: Promoting Engaged Learning and Student Confidence in Dance Training,” Journal of Dance Education 13(1): 4-11, 2013. Publications, Essays Dance Pedagogy
Cooper, Elizabeth. “Embodied Writing: A Tool for Teaching and Learning in Dance,” Journal of Dance Education, 11(2): 53-59, 2011 Publications, Essays Dance Pedagogy
Cinotto, Rhonda, Matthew Henley, Jennifer Salk. Corbett, Steven J.,  Jennifer Lin LeMesurier, Teagan E. Decker, and Betsy Cooper, Eds. Writing in the Performing and Visual Arts: Creating, Performing, and Teaching. "The Use of an Analytic Framework to Scaffold Student Writing in an Online Dance Course" WAC Clearinghouse/University Press of Colorado, Fort Collins, CO. 2019. Publications, Books Body, Dance Pedagogy, Education, Modern Dance