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  • Joseph Gifford:  The Pursued
  • Reality Check: Dancing with the Stars and the American Dream, by Juliet McMains
  • Experiential Anatomy Dance
  • four images of "anfractuous" app
  • Glamour Addition, by Juliet McMains
  • Jean Erdman: Creature on a Journey
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
McMains, Juliet. “Re-Claiming Competitive Tango: The Rise of Argentina’s Campeonato Mundial.” In Oxford Handbook of Dance and Competition, edited by Sherril Dodds, 306–330. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. Publications, Articles Dance History, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Latin American, Social Dance, Tango
McMains, Juliet. Spinning Mambo into Salsa: Caribbean Dance in Global Commerce.  Oxford University Press, 2015. Publications, Books Caribbean, Dance, Dance History, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Latino/a Studies, Salsa, Social Dance
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Michio Ito, documentary DVD including CDC performances contextualized with interviews (Japanese and English), photographic images and original film footage. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Cooper, Elizabeth. “The Body Censored: Dance, Morality and the Production Code during the Golden Age of the Film Musical,” Dance on Its Own Terms: Histories and Methodologies. eds., Melanie Bales and Karen Elliot (Oxford University Press) Publications, Essays Dance History
Wiley, Hannah. Jean Erdman: Creature on a Journey, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and choreographic images. 2013.  Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction, Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Bebe Miller: Cantos Gordos, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and choreographic images Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. Tandy Beal: Heisenberg’s Principle, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and choreographic images. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. Bebe Miller: Cantos Gordos, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2011. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Choreography, Dance, Dance History, Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Tandy Beal: Heisenberg’s Principle, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2010. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Choreography, Dance History, Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Michio Ito, documentary DVD included in On Becoming an Artist: Noguchi and His Contemporaries: 1922-1960, The Noguchi Museum, New York NY Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction, Southeast Asian
Wiley, Hannah. Eve Gentry: Tenant of the Street, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photographic images Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. Joseph Gifford: The Pursued, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews, photographic images and original film footage Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Mary Wigman, documentary DVD including CDC performances contextualized with interviews, photographic images and original film footage. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Dore Hoyer, documentary DVD including CDC performances contextualized with interviews, photographic images and original film footage. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Cooper, Elizabeth. “Dances About Spain: Censorship at the Federal Theatre Project.” Theatre Research International, 29(3): 232-246, 2004. Publications, Essays Dance History
Cooper, Elizabeth. Proceedings Society of Dance History Scholars 2001. Paper: “Dances About Spain:Guns & Castanets and Adelante.” Publications, Essays Dance History
Cooper, Elizabeth. International Dictionary of Modern Dance, St. James Press. Entries on “Nona Schurman” Publications, Essays Dance History
Cooper, Elizabeth. International Dictionary of Modern Dance, St. James Press. “Federal Dance Theatre of the W.P.A.” Publications, Essays Dance History
Cooper, Elizabeth. Dance Research Journal 29(2):23-48, 1997. “Tamiris and the Federal Dance Theatre 1936-1939: Socially Relevant Dance Amidst the Policies and Politics of the New Deal Era.” Publications, Essays Dance History