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uw campus
May 18, 2023 - 8:33am
Congratulations to dance majors Char Hertel for being awarded the Peeler-Horan Scholarship for the Performing and Visual Arts, and Kaitlyn Pitts for being awarded an Irene Dickson McFarlane Tuition Scholarship, for the 2023-24 academic year from the College of Arts & Sciences!
Rouge Reflection Poster
May 15, 2023 - 3:50pm
Rogue Reflection, a film by Juliet McMains starring UW Dance Class of 2022 graduate Rachael Zuraek, with music by part-time faculty Alex Dugdale won the Best Sound and Music award at WILDsound’s Under 5 Minute film festival.  Listen to the WILDsound’s The Film ... Read more
Mestre Silvinho teaches the elementary students capoeira with a pool noodle
March 15, 2023 - 3:28pm
On March 3rd, the UW Dance Capoeira class (Dance 287) hosted first and second graders from the Seattle Amistad School. UW Dance instructor Silvio Dos Reis, Mestre Silvinho in Brazilian Portuguese, invited the young... Read more
visualization of Anfractuous
March 15, 2023 - 3:06pm
Play Anfractuous  In 2016, UW Department of Dance Associate Professor Jennifer Salk and (then) Digital Art and Experimental Media PhD candidate Martin Jarmick came together to collaborate on a mixed media performance work entitled “Begin Again” that premiered at Meany Hall in 2017. Today, nearly seven... Read more
Four dancers performing "dance of the little swans" in front of the orchestra on Meany Hall stage
March 15, 2023 - 2:46pm
On March 4th, students from the Department of Dance performed with the UW Campus Philharmonia Orchestras, conducted by Daren Weissfisch, to selections from Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake at the Orchestras’ 2023 Winter Concert at Meany Hall.  Congratulations to dancers Madison Coppock, Laine Evans, Fiona Lu, and Colleen McKibben and the UW Campus Philharmonia Orchestras on a successful show! Special thanks to Daren Weissfisch (Doctoral Candidate, UW Music) for inviting our students to perform alongside... Read more
BANDALOOP dancing off side of building
March 15, 2023 - 10:59am
In February, Associate Professor Rachael Lincoln directed BANDALOOP at the official TikTok Tailgate party right outside the stadium just before the game began. It was an event for NFL 'VIPs' with performances by The Black Keys, Jason Derulo, and others. Built for BANDALOOP's performance was a two-sided 60-foot wall, and four dancers swung from each side.
Dancers gleefully high-fiving each other.
January 31, 2023 - 10:06am
Read The Seattle Times article written by Brendan Kiley about UW Dance MFA Candidate Abdiel Jacobsen and their innovative teaching of the Hustle!

