Katarina, "Kitty The Dancer" Mestas is from the Bay Area. For Mestas, dancing freely was a hidden escape from the confines of religious indoctrination and proved to be a haven of self-discovery. Mestas' performance work includes dancing on the Step Dance team in high school, the Steam Heat Jazz Crew and the Salsa Performance Team. Mestas' current focus is to choreograph work that sheds light on societal struggles while promoting free thinking. In Spring of 2023, Mestas will hold a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Dance from the University of Washington (UW) with an emphasis in choreography. Mestas' future goals involve pursuing a Masters in Expressive Therapies and opening her own dance studio.
What is one of your favorite moments from your time with the Department of Dance?
One of my favorite moments was when I was part of a group and we all had completely different dance pieces that we choreographed on eachother. We decided to switch our music, and one person was dancing contemporary ballet to Elvis and we danced Elvis style moves to serious music. We all cracked up so hard because it actually worked!
What plans or goals do you have for post-graduation?
My plan is to apply to graduate school to become a Dance Movement Therapist, travel to Cuba to study Salsa and open my own dance studio in New York City. No matter what comes of my future, my hope is that I can continue choreographing and performing in works that are meaningful to me.