As a choreographer, Mr. Charon’s dances have a beautiful sense of craft and design. He has a tremendous eye for how bodies can move in special relationship with each other, gently shifting the emotional balance of a work. Doug Varone
Born 1972. Daniel Charon has been active as a choreographer, teacher, and performer for over twenty-five years. While living in New York City, Daniel maintained a project-based company, and danced with Doug Varone and Dancers and the Limón Dance Company. He also performed with Doug Elkins and Friends, the Metropolitan Opera, the Aquila Theater Company, and the Mary Anthony Dance Theater, among others. He is a B.F.A. graduate of the North Carolina School of the Arts and an
M.F.A. graduate of the California Institute of the Arts in choreography and integrated media. As
Ririe-Woodbury’s Artistic Director since 2013, Daniel has created multiple original works for the
stage, gallery installations, and has designed video for his and other choreographers’ works. A
respected educator, Charon regularly teaches master classes and workshops nationally and
internationally and has taught at the Metropolitan Opera, the Bates Dance Festival, Salt Dance Fest,
North Carolina School of the Arts Summer Comprehensive, Varone Summer Dance Workshops,
and Limón Summer Workshops; he has staged the works of José Limón, Jirí Kylián, and Doug
Varone at schools and companies around the world.
Daniel Charon's Works
Premiere 2011