Benjamin Holroyd is a non-binary male graduating with two B.A.s in Dance and Psychology. They are commonly known as the super tall ginger of the department, and will probably be found laughing the loudest in the room at something that was never funny in the first place. A nonconformist at heart, they are grateful to all of their teachers and choreographers for putting up with their subtle resistances to technique and the large numbers of hours they spend noodling on the ground. Additionally, they hold incredible gratitude to everyone they have known through the department, and the way that they all have shaped the person Benjamin is today.
What is one of your favorite moments from your time with the Department of Dance?
I couldn’t come up with a favorite single moment, but my favorite set of moments was in Alia Swersky’s Intimacy and Immersive Performance Experiences class in Spring of 2022. It was a tiny class and I came in knowing about half of them and only a couple of them well, but throughout the quarter and with the intimate sharing and experiences we had, I can genuinely say that some of them became my best friends, as well as creating a space where we all felt safe enough to express some very vulnerable things with each other. Stay with, my people!
What plans or goals do you have for post-graduation?
I will be attending the Costa Rica School of Massage Therapy for 5 months and then will live in Barcelona for the following 6 months. Afterwards, I intend to pursue a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling specializing in Dance & Movement Therapy and Gender & Sex Therapy.