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  • Rumba Encounters: Transculturation of Cuban Rumba in American and European Ballrooms, by Juliet McMains
  • four images of "anfractuous" app
  • BeBe Miller, Cantos Gordos
  • Swingin' Out: Southern California's Lindy Revival, 2000, by Juliet McMains
  • Glamour Addition, by Juliet McMains
  • Reality Check: Dancing with the Stars and the American Dream, by Juliet McMains
Author/Titlesort descending Research Type Related Fields
McMains, Juliet. “Brownface: Representations of Latin-ness in Dancesport.” Dance Research Journal, 33, no. 2 (2001): 54–71 Publications, Articles Dance Sport, Latino/a Studies, Social Dance
McMains, Juliet. “Dancing Latin/Latin Dancing: Salsa and DanceSport” Ballroom, Boogie, Shimmy Sham, Shake: A Social and Popular Dance Reader, edited by Julie Malnig, 302–322. Indianapolis: University of Illinois Press, 2008. Publications, Articles Dance Sport, Salsa, Social Dance
McMains, Juliet. “Femininity and Female Empowerment in Commercial Dance: Shakira and J. Lo at Super Bowl LIV.” In Dance in US Pop Culture, edited by Jennifer Atkins. London and New York: Routledge, 2023. Publications, Articles Culture, Dance, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Latino/a Studies, Popular Culture, Race and Ethnicity, Salsa, Social Dance
McMains, Juliet. “Fostering a Community of Consent in Social Dance Communities.” Journal of Dance Education, forthcoming. Publications, Articles Dance Pedagogy, Education, Salsa, Social Dance
McMains, Juliet. “Fostering a Community of Consent in Social Dance Communities.” Journal of Dance Education, January 2021. DOI: 10.1080/15290824.2020.1851693. Publications, Articles Dance, Dance Pedagogy, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Radical Pedagogy, Salsa, Social Dance
McMains, Juliet. “Hot Latin Dance: Ethnic Identity and Stereotype.” The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Ethnicity, edited by Anthony Shay. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2013 Publications, Articles Latino/a Studies, Race and Ethnicity, Salsa, Social Dance
McMains, Juliet. “Queer Tango Space: Minority Stress, Sexual Potentiality, and Gender Utopias.” TDR: The Drama Review 62, no. 2 (2018): 59–77. Publications, Articles 21st Century, Ethnography, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Latin American, Tango
McMains, Juliet. “Re-Claiming Competitive Tango: The Rise of Argentina’s Campeonato Mundial.” In Oxford Handbook of Dance and Competition, edited by Sherril Dodds, 306–330. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. Publications, Articles Dance History, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Latin American, Social Dance, Tango
McMains, Juliet. “Reality Check: Dancing with the Stars and the American Dream.” The Routledge Dance Studies Reader, 2nd ed., edited by Alexandra Carter and Janet O’Shea, 261–272. London: Routledge, 2010 Publications, Articles American, Media Studies, Popular Culture
McMains, Juliet. “Rebellious Wallflowers and Queer Tangueras: Female Leaders in Buenos Aires’ Argentine Tango Scene.” Dance Research, 36, no. 2 (2018): 173–197. Publications, Articles 21st Century, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Latin American, Popular Culture, Social Dance, Tango
McMains, Juliet. “Three Hip Bumps and Two Head Whips: Shakira, J. Lo, Intersectionality, and Female Empowerment at Super Bowl LIV.” In Dance in US Pop Culture, edited by Jennifer Atkins. London and New York: Routledge, forthcoming. Publications, Articles Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Latino/a Studies, Media Studies, Popular Culture
Salk, Jennifer, Martin Jarmick and Paul Matthew Moore. Self published. Refer to this vlog page for how to upload the App for android or IOS: The page will describe the project and how to play it on your own device. Tweaks and small changes and updates to the Apps will occur occasionally.    Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Body, Choreography, Contemporary, Dance, Film/Cinema, Media Studies, Music, Performance Studies, Science and Technology
Shawn, Ted. Gnossiene (original footage). Performance.  Publications Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Bebe Miller: Cantos Gordos, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and choreographic images Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. Bebe Miller: Cantos Gordos, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2011. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Choreography, Dance, Dance History, Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Dances of Lucinda Childs, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2019. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Doris Humphrey: The Shakers––Dance of the Chosen, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2014. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Eve Gentry: Tenant of the Street, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photographic images Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. Jean Erdman: Creature on a Journey, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and choreographic images. 2013.  Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction, Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Joe Goode: grace (excerpts), documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2017. Publications, Film/Video Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Joseph Gifford: The Pursued, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews, photographic images and original film footage Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. Shapiro & Smith: To Have and To Hold, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and photography. 2015. Creative Work, Publications, Film/Video Modern Dance
Wiley, Hannah. Tandy Beal: Heisenberg’s Principle, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and choreographic images. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Dore Hoyer, documentary DVD including CDC performances contextualized with interviews, photographic images and original film footage. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction
Wiley, Hannah. The Dances of Mary Wigman, documentary DVD including CDC performances contextualized with interviews, photographic images and original film footage. Publications, Film/Video Dance History, Dance Reconstruction

