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Bebe Miller: Cantos Gordos

BeBe Miller, Cantos Gordos
BeBe Miller: Cantos Gordos
Wiley, Hannah. Bebe Miller: Cantos Gordos, documentary DVD including performances contextualized with interviews and choreographic images

This DVD documentary includes interviews with choreographer Bebe Miller, dancers Ilana Goldman and Ryan Corriston, and musicians Steve Korn and Eric Likkel, as well as rehearsal footage.

Choreography: Bebe Miller
Premiere Date: 1994
Lighting Design: Michael Mazolla
Staging: Heidi Henderson, Bebe Miller
Costume Realization: Christine Smith, Deborah Skorstad
Lighting Realization: Peter Bracilano
Rehearsal Direction: Hannah C. Wiley
Musicians: Steve Korn (drums), Eric Likkel (clarinet), Brady Millard-Kish (bass), Steve Mostovoy (trumpet), Nelda Swiggett (piano), Ben Thomas (percussion)
Dancers: Alethea Sadie Alexander, Stephanie Liapis, Wilson Mendiata, Brenna Monroe-Cook, Chengxin Wei
Performance Date: October 2011
Performance Location: Meany Theater, University of Washington

People Involved: 
Status of Research or Work: 
Research Type: 